
Terms of Use

Last Updated: 01.02.2024

Welcome to Statify! By using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use. Please read these terms carefully before using Statify.

Disclaimer of Liability

We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the data. All data is provided by IMF and The World Bank.

Use of Information

Users are allowed to use statistical data from Statify for personal, educational, or commercial purposes. The data should not be used for illegal or harmful activities.

Privacy Policy

Statify does not collect any users' information. So there is no data to store or share.


All design elements, code, scripts, and programming elements used on Statify are the intellectual property of Heorhii Shvab. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, or distribution of the code is strictly prohibited.

Contact Information

For questions, concerns, or requests related to the terms of use, please contact us at